Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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The Desert
And I watched his face as he spelled it out —
laughed as I laughed, and died.
" And thus/' said the lean coyote, " his need is the
hungry's feast,
And mine." I fumbled and pulled my gun —
emptied it wild and fast,
But one of the crazy shots went home and silenced
the waiting beast;
There lay the shape of the Liar, dead! 'Twas I
that should laugh the last.
Laugh? Nay, now I would write my name as the
Upland Rider wrote;
Write? What need, for before my eyes in a
wide and wavering line
I saw the trace of a written word and letter by letter
Into a mist as the world grew dark; and I knew
that the name was mine.
Dreams and visions within the dream; turmoil and
fire and pain;
Hands that proffered a brimming cup — empty,
ere I could take;
Then the burst of a thunder-head — rain! It was
rude, fierce rain!
Blindly down to the hole I crept, shivering,
drenched, awake!
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